Sunday services in the Parish
There are various services that goes on in the Parish. This part of the website, therefore, has been designed to make navigating around those sections of interest a bit more accessible.
Morning Services
Morning Services in each of the churches usually finish around 12.30 and there is a friendly, informal atmosphere. Most people tend to stay on afterwards for refreshments and a chance to chat. The kind of service is different for different weeks of the month, so that there is variety in each of the churches. The grid below shows the usual monthly pattern – although it changes a bit around the important Christian festivals of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.
Week of Month | Aston Parish Church 10.30am |
St James Church 11.00am |
1st Sunday | Service of the Word | Holy Communion |
2nd Sunday | Holy Communion | Service of the Word |
3rd Sunday | All Age Worship | Holy Communion |
4th Sunday | Holy Communion | Service of the Word |
5th Sunday † | Morning worship (see note) |
Morning Worship (see note) |
† Quite often we have a single united service at one of our churches on the morning of a 5th Sunday, in which case there is no service at the other. Otherwise at least one of the services of morning worship will include Holy Communion.
Note: While St Matthew’s, Nechells is no longer operational as a church we are still holding a small prayer and mission session in the chapel space at St Matthew’s Community Hall on 3rd Wednesdays from 2-3pm.

All of our services include a range of modern and traditional songs and hymns which we use to praise God. There are also readings from the Bible and a talk which seeks to relate the message of the Bible readings to everyday life. We also take time to pray for the needs of our local community and the wider world.
Services of Holy Communion also include the sharing of bread and wine (non-alcoholic wine and gluten-free bread is also available) to remember Jesus’ sacrifice of himself on the cross for us. Anyone who receives communion in other churches is also welcome to receive communion in our churches. We are also glad to share communion with children and young people who have received the necessary permission.
Children and Young People
Our churches offers special provision for our younger members during the morning services. Details of the arrangements in each church for the different age groups can be found under the Youth Church section.
Evening Worship - Deeper
Deeper is an evening service which takes place in Aston Parish Church Centre. It starts at 6.30 pm with tea and coffee and then leads into an extended time of worship with a range of contemporary songs. There is then a talk which seeks to go into more depth than is usually possible in the Sunday morning services. There is also usually an opportunity for discussion and to ask questions, and then time is given for all those who wish to receive prayer about any aspect of their lives or for issues that have arisen through the talk.