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Witton Community Association

The Parish is proud to work with the Witton Community Association and the local Triangle Group to help revitalise Witton spiritually, socially and economically. One of the main foci of the Witton Community Association is the Witton Community Centre. The Centre is located next to Deykin Avenue School (on Deykin Avenue!) in Witton and is regularly used as a facility for the Witton community, with the aim that it will become a focal point for the local community.

Hope 08 clear up team outside Witton Community Centre

For the last few years, the centre has been used by our local councillors to deliver monthly advice surgeries for local residents, and in partnership with our local Police Community Support Officers we have initiated fortnightly police advice surgeries where issues of local concern are raised and discussed.

Witton Kids

For a number of years, Witton Community Association in partnership with the Salvation Army has run a summer activities scheme. Each year, dozens of children and young people from Witton take part in a range of activities which included workshops in drama, street dance, DJing and t-shirt printing as well as trips to bowling, ice skating, indoor rock climbing and theme parks.

Keep an eye on the news page for more information of the events as summer approaches.

The Witton Community Association is also working to provide clubs and activities for local children and young people throughout the year. Although these are subject to finding continued funding, we have successfully run an Art Club for children aged 8-11 years, a Youth Club for young people aged 12-16 years and a boxing club for older young people.